The Breeding of a Super Race - Secret Experiments in Soviet Laboratories

In the early period of the Soviet Union breathtaking experiments have taken place: Crossbreeding between man and ape; blood refreshment by transfer; fixing conditional reflexes to the genes; artificially inseminating women by sperms of genius men.

Everything seemed to be possible in this short time period, ending 1936 with mass murdering of so called opponents. The film lightens this period by archive footage, authentic places and with the words of specialists. After the victory of Bolshevist revolution breeding of "a new man" (in a broad sense - new mankind) became one of the main goals of a grandiose experiment, that was to be carried out at "one sixth part of the earth". The struggle for "a new man" had not only ideological reasons. Strange, as it may appear at the first sight, but its active development was stimulated by disease and death of Bolshevist leader Vladimir Lenin. Lenin's death became an alarming signal for his comrades. The communist elite rushed to doctors' rooms requiring to prolong their lives due to the newest medical discoveries. Different scientists were involved in the solution of this problem. An old Lenin's comrade and later his ideological opponent Alexander Bogdanov, physician, philosopher and science fiction writer was among them. In 1924 Bogdanov began to experiment with blood transfusions on real humans. He often experimented on himself, and he kept track in his records of the improvements of his general condition, production capacities and appearance.

Einen Hybrid aus Mensch und Affen zu züchten, das hatte sich der bekannte Genetikforscher Professor Ilja Iwanow in den 20er Jahren in der UDSSR vorgenommen. Diese Wesen sollten als Soldaten im Krieg, als Schwerstarbeiter und als Laborversuchswesen zu verwenden sein.

Iwanow war Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts berühmt geworden, weil er die künstliche Befruchtung von Pferden erfunden hatte. Bei der Entwicklung von Hybridrassen hatte er auch schon einige Aufsehen erregende Erfolge durch die Kreuzung von Zebra und Esel, Wisent und Kuh, Meerschweinchen und Maus, und vielen anderen Tieren vorzuweisen. Seine Versuche, Menschen und Affen zu kreuzen, begannen und scheiterten in Afrika an dem Widerstand der Frauen. Mit weiteren 8 Weibchen und dem Affenmännchen "Tarzan", schiffte er sich nach Suchumi ins damalige Georgien, dem heutigen Abchasien ein.